Andes Website : Climbing, Skiing, Trekking and Guidebooks in South America

The peaks of the Patagonian Andes

For 5000m-6000m Andean Peaks further north visit these index pages:-

5000m Peak Lists Index

or for the top 100 in the Andes see our  6000m peaks page

Heights in red below have been revised due to digital elevation data (often the year 2000 SRTM data) or other recent surveys. Many thanks to Jonathan de Ferranti for help with this.

This list  © 2003-2025 John Biggar. This list is now believed to be about 90% accurate i.e. there are probably some peaks not included that should be and perhaps a few included that should not be.

All heights are in metres.

The criterion used to select this list is a re-ascent (prominence) height of 400m from any higher peak. 

The grid co-ordinates are included to help distinguish un-named and similarly named peaks. They are for the top right (i.e. NE) corner of the latitude-longitude block in which the mountain appears, this is the usual convention on South American maps.

Peaks in brackets have uncertain re-ascent.

In many areas of South America, particularly in parts of Argentina, the heights of many peaks are subject to debate. Some peaks having quoted heights that differ by 300m or more. The heights given here are thought to be the most widely accepted figures, many are taken from the most recent Argentine surveys.

The peaks are arranged in groups of ten. 

The peaks of the Patagonian Andes

Peaks with a link have an information page or at least a photograph on this website but you may need to use your browsers back button to return to this page.

This page is divided into various chapters geographically from north to south as follows.

PASO DEL MAIPO TO PASO DEL MAULE   All peaks between the Paso del Maipo and Paso del Maule over 3500m. Approx 34-36ºS

PASO DEL MAULE TO PASO ICALMA  Peaks between Paso del Maule and the Bio-Bio (Paso Icalma), over 2500m Brackets means uncertain but probably enough re-ascent.

ANDEAN LAKE DISTRICT  From the Rio Bio-Bio (Paso Icalma) to the Rio Manso/Bariloche watershed. Peaks over 2000m. Brackets means uncertain but probably enough re-ascent.

CHAITEN From the Rio Manso / Bariloche watershed to the Rio Palena / Rio Tecka watershed. Peaks over 2000m. Names in brackets means uncertain but probably enough re-ascent.

AISEN From the Rio Palena / Tecka watershed south to Lago Buenos Aires and through to Rio Exploradores. Peaks over 2000m Names in brackets means uncertain but probably enough re-ascent.

NORTH PATAGONIAN ICE CAP AREA    This is a side spur west and south of Lago Buenos Aires and north of Lago O'Higgins. Peaks over 2000m Names in brackets means uncertain but probably enough re-ascent.

ZEBALLOS / JEINIMENI AREA Peaks on and near the main watershed and south of Perito Moreno and Lago Buenos Aires and north of Lago San Martin. Peaks over 2000m. Names in brackets means uncertain but probably enough re-ascent.

SOUTH PATAGONIAN ICE CAP AREA All peaks south of Lago San Martin. Peaks over 2000m. Names in brackets means uncertain but probably enough re-ascent.

TIERRA DEL FUEGO Peaks over 2000m. Names in brackets means uncertain but probably enough re-ascent.






All peaks between the Paso del Maipo and Paso del Maule. Approximately 34ºS-36ºS. Peaks over 3500m only.


Sosneado 5189 3469 Argentina

Picos de Barroso 5113 3470 Chile

Risco Plateado 4999 3470 Argentina

Portillo 4980 3470 Chile

Pico de Rio Bayo 4921 3469 Argentina-Chile

Paredones 4883 3470 Chile

Paloma 4860 3470 Chile

Guanaquero 4841 3469 Argentina

El Mono 4699 3470 Argentina-Chile

unnamed 4670 3470 Argentina-Chile

Overo 4619 3470 Argentina

Atravieso 4590 3470 Chile-Argentina

(Paraguay ) 4589 3569 Argentina

Blanco 4511 3469 Argentina

unnamed 4334 3469 Argentina

unnamed 4300+ 3470 Chile

unnamed 4210 3469 Argentina

Salto del Soldado 4168 3470 Argentina-Chile

Peteroa (Azufre) 4135 3570 Chile-Argentina

Campanario 4049 3570 Chile-Argentina

Los Nucos 3937 3569 Argentina

La Hoyada 3889 3569 Argentina

Sta Elena 3839 3570 Argentina-Chile

          added in 2007... Cerro Payun 3838   3669 Argentina

Descabezado Grande 3830 3570 Chile

Nevado 3810 3468 Argentina

Azul 3788 3570 Chile

Torrecillas 3771 3570 Argentina

Torrecillas 2 3734 3569 Argentina

El Horno 3715 3570 Argentina-Chile

Payun Matru 3715 3669 Argentina

Arroyo Hondo 3606 3569 Argentina

Mora 3553 3570 Chile-Argentina

unnamed 3540 3570 Chile-Argentina

del Medio 3508 3570 Chile


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Peaks between Paso del Maule and the Bio-Bio (Paso Icalma). Approximately 36ºS-38ºS. Peaks over 2500m only Brackets means uncertain but probably enough re-ascent.


Domuyo 4709 3670 Argentina

Tromen 3978 3770 Argentina

Cord de Mary 3760 3670 Argentina

unnamed 3670 3670 Argentina

San Pedro 3621 3570 Chile

(La Cruzada) 3505 3670 Argentina

Sierra de Cachico 3484 3670 Argentina

Pala 3474 3670 Argentina

Sierra Velluda 3385 n/k 3771 Chile

unnamed 3300 3670 Argentina


Pellado 3250 3570 Chile

Longavi 3242 3671 Chile

Nevados de Chillan 3212 F 3670 Chile

3175 3670 Argentina-Chile

Callaqui 3164 3771 Chile

EI Toro 3081 3571 Chile

La Puesta 3009 3670 Chile

Copahue 3001 3771 Chile-Argentina

(Corona) 2991 3770 Argentina

unnamed 2987 3670 Chile


unnamed 2981 3670 Argentina-Chile

(Butalo) 2980 3770 Argentina

Volcan Antuco 2979 F 3771 Chile

Chachil 2839 3970 Argentina

Lizana 2836 3671 Chile

unnamed 2830 3670 Argentina-Chile

Donaire 2820 3771 Chile-Argentina

Centinela 2800+ 3770 Argentina

Buta Mallin 2732 3770 Argentina

Pino Solo 2727 3870 Argentina-Chile


Puntiagudo 2699 3771 Argentina

unnamed 2680 3670 Argentina-Chile

unnamed 2658 3670 Argentina

Las Lajas 2651 3870 Argentina

unnamed 2636 3670 Argentina-Chile

Rahue 2619 3871 Argentina-Chile

Atravesada 2590 3870 Argentina

(unnamed ) 2587 3771 Chile

Cachil 2558 3970 Argentina

unnamed 2526 3671 Chile


Butahuau 2526 3871 Argentina-Chile

EI Risco 2512 3771 Chile-Argentina

Trolon 2505 3770 Argentina


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From the Rio Bio-Bio (Paso Icalma) to the Rio Manso/Bariloche watershed. Approximately 38ºS-41ºS.Peaks over 2000m. Brackets means uncertain but probably enough re-ascent.


Lanin 3717 F 3971 Argentina-Chile

Tronador 3470 4171 Argentina-Chile

Llaima 3125 F 3871 Chile

Villarrica 2842 F 3971 Chile

Tolhuaca 2806 3871 Chile

Lonquimay 2726 F 3871 Chile

Osomo 2652 PD 4172 Chile

Sierra Nevada 2554 F 3871 Chile

Puntiagudo 2493 4072 Chile

unnamed 2441 4071 Argentina


Azul 2437 4071 Argentina

Choshuenco 2415 3972 Chile

Catedral 2409 4171 Argentina

unnamed 2400+ 3870 Argentina

Chapelco 2394 4071 Argentina

Quetrupillan 2360 F 3971 Chile

(Bayo Norte) 2342 3971 Argentina

Lancu 2296 3871 Chile

Rucachoroi 2296 3971 Argentina

Huanquihue 2260 3971 Argentina-Chile


Bonete 2257 4171 Argentina

Puyehue 2240 4072 Chile

Picudo 2224 3971 Argentina

Cuyin Manzano 2220 4071 Argentina

Crespo 2220 4071 Argentina-Chile

Quei 2214 4071 Argentina-Chile

(Repollo) 2210 4071 Argentina

unnamed 2193 4071 Argentina

(Negro) 2168 3971 Argentina

(Punta Negra) 2166 4171 Argentina


Aserel 2146 3971 Argentina

Capilla 2146 4171 Argentina

Plata Mahuida 2139 3871 Chile

Punta Blanca 2134 4071 Argentina-Chile

Currihue 2130 3971 Argentina

Ezpeleta 2124 4071 Argentina

Alto 2123 4071 Argentina

Tres Picos 2116 3971 Argentina

Nos. de Sollipulli 2100+ 3871 Chile

Cuernos del Diablo 2100+ 4171 Argentina


(V .Lopez) 2076 4171 Argentina

unmnaed 2075 4171 Argentina

Rancahue 2060 3970 Argentina

Bastion 2063 4171

de Los Lagos 2044 3971 Argentina

Picos del Caburga 2042 3971 Chile

Traful 2040 4071 Argentina

Penascoso 2036 4071 Argentina-Chile

unnamed 2035 4071

C. de Chihuihue 2032 4071 Argentina-Chile


Divortium 2030 3971

Pantojo 2024 4071

Calbuco 2015 4172 Chile

Trelel 2006 3971 Argentina

unamed 2000+ 4171 Argentina

Ljungner 2000 4171 Argentina

Casablanca 1990 4072 Chile


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From the Rio Manso/Bariloche watershed to the Rio Palena / Rio Tecka watershed. Approximately 41ºS-43ºS. Peaks over 2000m only. Names in brackets means uncertain but probably enough re-ascent.


Cord. de los Piramides 2653 4271 Argentina

dos Picos 2550 4272 Argentina-Chile

?dos Picos? 2518 4271 Argentina

Tres Picos 2493 4271 Argentina

Chato 2416 4272 Argentina-Chile

Minchinmavida 2404 (3120) 4272 Chile

Carreras 2360 4171 Argentina

Cord. Leleque 2350 4271 Argentina

unnamed 2342 4172 Chile

La Sierra 2305 4171 Argentina


Corcovado 2300 4372 Chile

(San Francisco) 2300 4272 Argentina-Chile

Barrientos 2300 4272 Argentina-Chile

Ventisquero 2298 4171 Argentina

Grande 2294 4171 Argentina

?? 2289 4371 Argentina

Piltriquitron 2284 4171 Argentina

unnamed 2274 4272 Argentina-Chile

Conico 2271 4372 Chile-Argentina

unnamed 2270 4272 Argentina-Chile


Aguja Sur 2268 4271 Argentina-Chile

CEDA 2265 4171 Argentina

Troncoso 2254 4171 Argentina

Torrecillas 2250 4271 Argentina

Macizo Nevado 2250 4372 Chile

Hielo Azul 2248 4171 Argentina

Blanco 2225 4171 Argentina

Alicia 2204 4171 Argentina

2200+ 4272 Argentina-Chile

2200+ 4172 Chile


30 de Marzo 2186 4272 Argentina-Chile

Granitico 2199 4171 Argentina

Diente de Perro 2162 4171 Chile

unnmaed 2156 4272 Argentina-Chile

Barria 2156 4171 Argentina

Confluencia 2140 4171 Argentina

unnamed 2140 4272 Argentina-Chile

(Bravo) 2140 4272 Argentina

Nahuel Pan 2140 4271 Argentina

Yate 2111 4172 Chile


Coronado 2099 4271 Argentina

Tres Torres 2093 4271 Argentina

Fuerte 2085 4171 Argentina

unnamed 2086 4372 Chile

unnamed 2077 4172 Chile

Techo Blanco 2075 4271 Argentina

Anfiteatro 2074 4171 Argentina

unnamed 2074 4372 Chile

San lgnacio 2044 4272 Chile

Piramide 2044 4171 Chile-Argentina


Dedo Gordo 2040 4171 Argentina

El Serrucho 2030 4171 Chile-Argentina

Horqueta 2014 4171 Argentina

Anecon Grande 2012 4170 Argentina

Las Monjas 2010 4372 Chile-Argentina

Ventisquero Sur 2002 4372 Chile-Argentina

other unnamed 2000+ 4372 Chile

unnamed 2000+ 4172 Chile

unnamed 2 2000+ 4172 Chile

V. Nevado 2000+ 4372 Chile


unnamed 2000+ 4372 Chile

unnamed 2 2000+ 4372 Chile

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From the Rio Palena / Tecka watershed south to Lago Buenos Aires and through to Rio Exploradores. Approximately 43ºS-47ºS. Peaks over 2000m only. Names in brackets means uncertain but probably enough re-ascent.




V. Hudson 2600 4572 Chile

?San Clemente? ?2600? 4673 Chile

Nevado Queulat 2555 4472 Chile

Desnudo? 2504 4471 Argentina

Melimoyu 2400 4472 Chile

unnamed 2370 4371 Argentina

Castillo 2318 4672 Chile

Maca 2300m 4573 Chile

Barros Arana 2300 4372 Chile

unnamed 2297 4672 Chile


Ap lwan 2290 4671 Chile-Argentina

unnamed 2280 4672 Chile

unnamed 2273 4672 Chile

unnamed 2194 4672 Chile

unnamed 2166 4472 Chile

unnamed 2166 4371 Argentina

unnamed 2110 4672 Chile

Steffen 2108 4471 Chile-Argentina

unnamed 2102 4371 Chile

Alto Nevado 2095 4472 Chile


unnamed 2095 4471 Argentina-Chile

Cay 2090 4573 Chile

unnamed 2087 4371 Chile

unnamed 2086 4371 Chile

Catedral 2082 4471 Argentina-Chile

unnamed 2082 4672 Chile

Negro 2073 4571 Chile

unnamed 2060 4572 Chile

unnamed 2038 4472 Argentina-Chile

unnamed 2025 4671 Chile


unnamed 2024 4673 Chile

Mineral 2018 4471 Argentina-Chile

unnamed 2016 4672 Chile

(Bandera) 2014 4671 Chile

Condor 2010 4371 Argentina

Dedo 2006 4471 Argentina-Chile

Huemules 2001 4572 Chile

?? 2000+ 4371 Chile

Cord. Queulat 2000+ 4472 Chile


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This is a side spur west and south of Lago Buenos Aires and north of Lago O'Higgins. Peaks over 2000m. Names in brackets means uncertain but probably enough re-ascent.



San Valentin 3910 Hielo Norte 4673 Chile

Arenales 3365 Hielo Norte 4773 Chile

(Fiero) 3232 Hielo Norte 4673 Chile

Pared Norte 3005 Hielo Norte 4773 Chile

Hyades 3078 Hielo Norte 4673 Chile

Arco 2992 Hielo Norte 4773 Chile

Pared Sur 2548 Hielo Norte 4773 Chile

unnamed 2825 Hielo Norte 4673 Chile

Larga l 2744 Hielo Norte 4673 Chile

Hyades 2 2641 Hielo Norte 4673 Chile


Cachet 2632 Hielo Norte 4773 Chile

Calvo 2609 Hielo Norte 4773 Chile

unnamed 2602 Hielo Norte 4673 Chile

Cord. Contreras 2578 Hielo Norte 4673 Chile

unnnamed 2500 Hielo Norte 4773 Chile

Helada 2500 Hielo Norte 4673 Chile

(Largo II) 2400+ Hielo Norte 4673 Chile

Unnamed 2222 Hielo Norte 4673 Chile

Turret 2200 Hielo Norte 4673 Chile

unnamed 2190 Hielo Norte 4773 Chile


unnamed 2183 Hielo Norte 4673 Chile

Trunco 2164 4773

unnamed 2155 4773

unnamed 2135 Hielo Norte 4673 Chile

unnamed 2102 4773

Co.La Torre Hielo Norte 4673 Chile

Soler 2005 Hielo Norte 4772 Chile

Pared Sur Hielo Norte 4773 Chile


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Peaks on and near the main watershed and south of Perito Moreno and Lago Buenos Aires and north of Lago San Martin. Peaks over 2000m. Names in brackets means uncertain but probably enough re-ascent.


San Lorenzo 3706 4772 Chile-Argentina

Penitentes 2943 4772 Argentina

Zeballos 2744 4671 Argentina

Triangular 2588 4671 Chile-Argentina

Hermoso 2500 4772 Argentina

unnamed 2475 4672 Chile

Jeinemeni 2368 4672 Chile

(unnamed) 2305 4771 Chile-Argentina

Arido 2279 4772 Argentina

unnamed 2278 4672 Chile


La Leona 2273 4772 Chile

Cerro W 2260 4772 Argentina-Chile

unnamed 2230 4872 Argentina

Barrancas 2229 4772 Chile

unnamed 2168 4872 Chile

?? 2130 4772 Chile

unnamed 2127 4672 Chile

Ventisquero 2110 4672 Chile

unnamed 2109 4772 Argentina

Dosaguas 2076 4772 Chile


unnamed 2075 4672 Chile

Oportus 2073 4772 Chile

Mayer 2072 4872 Argentina

unnamed 2047 4872 Chile

Aspero 2040 4772 Chile

Blanco 2021 4772 Chile

unnamed 2010 4872 Chile


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All peaks south of Lago San Martin. Peaks over 2000m. Names in brackets means uncertain but probably enough re-ascent.



Volcan Lautaro 3580m Fitzroy Area 4973 Chile

Moreno 3393 Fitzroy Area 4973 Argentina-Chile

Fitzroy 3375 (3441) Fitzroy Area 4973 Argentina-Chile

Bertrand 3170 Centre 4973

Co. Torre 3128 Fitzroy Area 4973 Argentina

Azul W 3067 North End 4873 Chile

Steffen 3050 North End 4873 Chile

Aguja Poincenot 3036 Fitzroy Area 4973 Argentina

Riso Patron 3018 Fitzroy Area. 4973 Chile

Azul E 3017 North End 4873 Chile


Norte 2960 Centre 4973 Argentina

unnamed 2956 Centre 5073 Chile-Argentina

unnamed 2926 Centre 5073 Chile-Argentina

Agassiz 2940 Centre 5073

Paine Grande 2884m  Paine 5173 Chile

O'Higgins 2860 North End 4873 Chile

Gorra Blanca 2860 Fitzroy Area 4973 Chile-Argentina

Torre Sur 2850 Paine 5072 Chile

Murallon 2831 Centre 4973 Chile-Argentina

Torre Central 2800 Paine 5072 Chile


(Bolados) 2800 Centre 5073

Grande 2751 Fitzroy Area 4973 Argentina

Huemul 2750 Fitzroy Area 4973 Argentina

Piramide 2700 Fitzroy Area. 4973 Chile

Fortaleza 2681 Paine 5072 Chile

Aguja St Exupery 2680 Fitzroy Area 4973 Argentina

Almirante Nieto 2668 Paine 5172 Chile

unnamed 2640 North End 4873 Chile

Bertacchi 2612 Centre 4973

Cuemo Principal 2600 Paine 5172 Chile


Blanco 2600 Paine 5073 Chile

Torre Norte 2600 Paine 5073 Chile

Campana 2570 Centre 4973 Argentina

Pier Giorgio 2565 Fitzroy Area. 4973 Chile-Argentina

unnamed 2560 Paine 5173 Chile

GAEA 2516 Fitzroy Area. 4873 Chile

unnamed 2498 North End 4873 Chile

Dumbo (Marconi) 2484 Fitzroy Area. 4973 Chile-Argentina

Alesna 2480 North End 4873 Chile

Pluschow 2469 North End 4873 Chile


(Rincon) 2465 Fitzroy Area 4973 Chile-Argentina

Peineta 2450 Centre 5073 Chile-Argentina

Mayo 2450 Centre 5073

Aguilera 2438 (2473m) (aka Campanario) Centre 5073

?? 2438 Paine 5073

(Cuerno N) 2400 Paine 5073 Chile

San Martin 2390 North End 4873 Chile

Cervantes 2383 Centre 5073

Pintado 2347 Centre 4972 Argentina

unnamed 2256 Paine 5173 Chile


Pascua 2215 North End 4872 Chile

Interminado 2207 North End 4873 Chile

Cuerno Oriental 2200 Paine 5073 Chile

Trono Blanco 2197 Paine 5073 Chile

(Catedral) 2168 Paine 5073 Chile

Stokes 2140 Paine 5073 Chile-Argentina

Peine 2103 North End 4873 Chile

Blanco 2092 Paine 5073 Chile

Ciudadela 2064 Paine 5072 Argentina-Chile

Balmaceda 2035 Paine 5173 Chile


Aniversario 2029 Fitzroy Area. 4973 Argentina

Cangrejo 2028 Fitzroy Area 4972 Argentina

Cord. Sarmiento 2011 5173 Chile


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Peaks over 2000m. Names in brackets means uncertain but probably enough re-ascent.


Darwin 2652 5469

Yagan 2469 5469

(unnamed) 2438 5469

Sarmiento 2404 5470

Italia 2350 5469

Bove 2300 5469

unnamed 2130 5469

Giordano 2042 5470

Dalla Vedova 2000 5469


This list and all photos  © 2003-2023 John Biggar.

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Sources for heights used in this list and this website 

In areas of South America the heights of some peaks are still subject to debate. Some Argentine peaks have AIGM survey heights that are 300m higher than the Chilean heights. The main areas for which no accurate survey maps exist are the Mercedario to Tupungato area of Argentina and the Patagonian ice-caps area. The heights given on this site are thought to be generally the most accurate figures taken from the following sources. In all areas Neate's book was used when no survey height was available. In the most uncertain areas detailed above confirmation of many heights has been sought from the SRTM 2000 data.

Venezuela and Colombia - Neate, confirmed where possible in Colombia by CIGM 1:100,000

Ecuador - IGM 1:50,000 newest sheet available.

Peru - IGM 1:100,000 sheets. The AV 1930's surveys of the Cordillera Blanca have been used where the PIGM sheets do not give a height (Note - the AV heights are mostly 20-30m higher than PIGM heights)

Bolivia - The AV maps for the Illimani and Ancohuma areas, otherwise BIGM 1:50,000 sheets or 1:250,000 sheets. SRTM data was used to confirm or change many heights in poorly surveyed areas, particularly the Cordillera Lipez.

Argentina - many from Argentine IGM 1:250,000 sheets. However much SRTM data was used to confirm or change many heights in poorly surveyed areas.

Chile and Chile/Bolivia and Chile/Argentina border peaks - Chilean IGM 1:50,000 or 1:250,000 sheets, which are generally much more modern than Argentine surveys in this area. SRTM data was used to confirm or change many heights in poorly surveyed areas.

Patagonia - ChIGM 1:250,000 sheets where possible, Andes Patagonicos sheets for peaks on the icecaps, Fitzroy area and Cord. Darwin with some more important heights confirmed (where possible) by the SRTM data.